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Southwest Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellowships
In Memoriam

Ultrasound for Critical Care Physicians: Shortness of Breath

Matthew JK Douglas, MD

David Verbunker, MD

Jarrod Mosier, MD 

Department of Emergency Medicine

Banner University Medical Center Tucson

University of Arizona

Tucson, AZ


Figure 1. Video of the right thoracic ultrasound (coronal).

An 85 year old woman with a history of congestive heart failure and diabetes presented to the emergency department with progressive shortness of breath. She had recently been discharged from another hospital where she had been admitted for several days for community acquired pneumonia. The patient was in respiratory distress on arrival with tachypnea, increased work of breathing, and hypoxia despite supplemental oxygen with a non-rebreather mask and she was subsequently intubated. ED point-of-care ultrasound was performed of the right hemithorax.

What does Figure 1 demonstrate? (Click on the correct answer for the second of two panels and an explanation)

  1. Intravascular volume depletion
  2. Normal lung aeration
  3. Numerous B-lines
  4. Pleural effusion and consolidation
  5. Pneumothorax

Cite as: Douglas MJK, Verbunker D, Mosier J. Ultrasound for critical care physicians: shortness of breath. Southwest J Pulm Crit Care. 2015;11(3):112-3. doi: PDF

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