3. The chest radiograph shows interval worsening of the findings noted previously, now with worsening basal linear opacities and more poorly defined right mid-lung opacity
The frontal and lateral chest radiograph shows diminished lung volumes with clear interval worsening of basal predominant interstitial thickening and peribronchial infiltration, with new right mid-lung poorly defined opacity. No cystic or cavitary lesions are present, and there is no clear evidence of either hilar / peribronchial or mediastinal lymph node enlargement.
Clinical course: The patient subsequently underwent repeat thoracic CT (Figure 6).
Figure 6. Panels A-I: Thoracic CT in lung windows shows multiple abnormalities (arrows). Lower panel: Movie of thoracic CT in lung windows.
Which of the following statements regarding this imaging study is most accurate? (Click on the correct answer to proceed to the next panel)