4. 1 and 3
At this point, he has very significant hypoxia and a repeat chest x-ray to determine if he has developed pneumonia or reaccumulated pulmonary effusions or edema in the period following hospital discharge. An echocardiogram is also appropriate to determine if he has any cardiogenic causes of dyspnea especially in light of his sudden LOC.
A two-dimensional transthoracic echocardiogram with color flow and Doppler was performed which demonstrated borderline concentric left ventricular hypertrophy. The Ejection Fraction estimate is >70%. The left ventricle is hyperdynamic. No regional wall motion abnormalities were noted. Injection of contrast documented no interatrial shunt. The estimated PA pressure is 52 mmHg.
The repeat chest x-ray was obtained (Figure 3).
Figure 3. Repeat chest PA (Panel A) and lateral (Panel B).
Which of the following best describe(s) the chest x-ray (Figure 3)? (click on correct answer to move to next panel)