4. Ventilation – perfusion scintigraphy shows findings suggesting a high probability of thromboembolic disease

The ventilation-perfusion scan shows a number of small, peripheral perfusion defects without a corresponding ventilation abnormality, suggestive of a pulmonary vascular obstructive process, which is typical of thromboembolic disease. The ventilation and perfusion “mis-matching” is consistent with a high probability for thromboembolic disease. No evidence of tracer uptake over the liver or cranial kidneys is seen to suggestive right-to-left tracer shunting.

At this point, which of the following represents the most likely diagnosis for this patient’s condition? (Click on the correct answer to proceed to the seventh of twelve pages)

  1. Collagen vascular disease
  2. Septic embolization due to actinomycosis affecting the lower extremity
  3. Thromboembolic disease
  4. Vasculitis
  5. No particular diagnosis can be offered
