1. HRCT shows numerous small, somewhat randomly scattered nodules

The HRCT study shows multiple small, somewhat randomly distributed nodules, all less than 1 cm in size. Areas if irregular, non-septal linear and reticular opacities are also present. No clear bronchiectasis or areas of ground-glass opacity are seen. There is no evidence of consolidation, although several faintly seen foci that appear somewhat cystic are evident, but these areas are unassociated with consolidation.

Which of the following is the least appropriate consideration for the findings on this thoracic CT scan? (Click on the correct answer to proceed to the seventh of ten pages)

  1. Hematogenous (“miliary”) infection
  2. Viral bronchopneumonia
  3. Sarcoidosis
  4. Langerhans cell histiocytosis
  5. Lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia
