4. Thoracic CT shows that the focal right upper lobe opacity has grown over time

The direct comparison between the two thoracic CT studies (Figure 6) shows that the focal right upper lobe opacity has a similar morphology between the two thoracic CT examinations, but that the lesion has grown over time.

The CT scan in soft tissue windows was also evaluated (Figure 7).

Figure 7.  Unenhanced thoracic CT performed at presentation (Figure 1, labeled “Current”) and 8 years earlier provided for comparison.

Which of the following represents the most accurate assessment of the comparison between the mediastinal findings on the presentation thoracic CT (Figure 1) and the comparison thoracic CT performed 8 years earlier (Figure 6)? (Click on the correct answer to be directed to the fifth of nine pages)

  1. Thoracic CT shows borderline to-mild-mediastinal lymph node enlargement on the prior comparison study has resolved on the presentation study
  2. Thoracic CT shows interval development of an anterior mediastinal mass on the presentation thoracic CT
  3. Thoracic CT shows interval development of borderline to-mild mediastinal lymph node enlargement
  4. Thoracic CT shows mediational lymph nodes evident on the previous comparison study have calcified on the presentation thoracic CT
  5. Thoracic CT shows no interval change between the two examinations
