1. Continued therapy for the presenting right lower lobe pneumonia

The thoracic CT has excluded significant, reversible derangements causing the extensive left-sided volume loss, and therefore, additional procedures are not required. No active endobronchial obstruction is seen, nor is pleural thickening requiring cortication is noted. Thoracic MR would not add any additional information to what has already been learned with thoracic CT. Unless information suggesting that the right lower lobe bronchopneumonia and presumed right-sided parapneumonic effusion has become complicated or is not responding to therapy appropriately, right-sided thoracentesis is not required; there is no significant left pleural fluid to sample. Conservative management is all that is required.

Which of the following represents the correct etiology for the extensive left-sided volume loss in this patient? (Click on the correct answer to proceed to the ninth and final page)

  1. Interruption of the left pulmonary artery
  2. Left lung agenesis
  3. Left lung aplasia
  4. Left lung hypoplasia
  5. None of the above
