5. All of the above

The causes for hemoptysis after treatment for tuberculosis include recurrent tuberculosis, bronchiectasis with superimposed infection, and lung cancer (1).

The serum ß-D-glucan assay was elevated consistent with a fungal infection. He had sputum smears and cultures for tuberculosis, bacteria and fungi. The sputum smear was positive for 45◦ branching hyphae and the sputum culture grew Aspergillus fumigatus.

Further records were obtained about his prior care. A sputum culture had previously shown Aspergillus spp. which was the reason for his 6-month course of voriconazole. The hemoptysis was massive at that time consisting of several hundred mls. in less than 1 hour.

He was again placed on voriconazole and his hemoptysis initially improved. Unfortunately, his hemoptysis recurred after several days consisting of about 2 Tbsps. of clotted blood. 

Which of the following are indicated at this time? (Click on the correct answer to proceed to the fourth of six pages)

  1. Bronchoscopy
  2. Consideration for bronchial artery embolization
  3. Consideration for lobectomy or pneumonectomy
  4. Thoracic CT scan
  5. All of the above
