5. CT shows solid, partially calcified upper lobe masses bilaterally

Enhanced thoracic CT shows bilateral, upper lobe, partially calcified masses, correlating with the chest radiographic findings. The pleural surfaces are largely normal- some trace finely lobulated right upper lateral pleural thickening may be present. No mediastinal lymph node enlargement is clearly seen (although right peribronchial lymph node enlargement is present). The visualized bones appear normal- no lytic or destructive processes are evident. Several small nodules are present in proximity to the upper lobe masses, but multiple, bilateral, randomly distributed nodules are not present.

Which of the following differential diagnostic considerations is least appropriate for the imaging findings in this patient? (Click on the correct answer to proceed to the fifth of seven pages)

  1. Fungal infection
  2. Lipoid pneumonia
  3. Metastatic disease
  4. Occupational lung disease / environmental exposure
  5. Sarcoidosis
