4. There are numerous mitotic figures suggesting malignancy

There are numerous mitotic figures and red blood cells in the biopsy (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Pleural biopsy showing mitotic figures and red blood cells (RBSs).

A lower power view of the biopsy showing tumor infiltrating the chest wall and stained positive for CD31 (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Panel A: Lower power view showing infiltration of the chest wall by tumor cells. Panel B: Immunohistochemistry showing CD31+ cells.
A diagnosis of pleural epithelial angiosarcoma was made.

Which of the following is/are risk factors for pleural epithelial angiosarcoma? (Click on the correct answer to proceed to the sixth and final panel)

  1. Asbestos exposure
  2. Cigarette smoking
  3. History of tuberculosis complications (chronic pyothorax or pleuritis)
  4. Radiotherapy for ovarian cancer
  5. All of the above
