2. Thoracic CTA shows a superior-posterior mediastinal mass
Unenhanced and enhanced thoracic CTA shows a normal appearing ascending and descending thoracic aorta; no evidence of acute aortic syndrome is present. No evidence of pulmonary embolism or pericardial abnormality is present. A soft tissue mass in the superior posterior mediastinum (Figure 3, arrows) is present, just anterior to the cranial thoracic spine.
Figure 3. A-I: Enhanced thoracic CTA shows a normal appearing ascending (a) and descending (*) thoracic aorta; no evidence of acute aortic syndrome is present. A soft tissue mass in the superior posterior mediastinum (arrows) is present, just anterior to the cranial thoracic spine. J-L: Sagittal enhanced thoracic CTA shows a normal-appearing ascending (a) and descending (*) thoracic aorta. A soft tissue mass in the superior posterior mediastinum (arrows) is present, just anterior to the cranial thoracic spine.
This abnormality is not readily apparent, even in retrospect, on the chest radiograph (Figure 1).
Based on the CT appearance, which of the following should NOTbe included in the differential diagnosis for the finding at thoracic CT? (Click on the correct answer to proceed to the fifth of eight panels)