1. Ask the pathologist to look at the Gram stain

The surgeons were reluctant to operate because of the low laboratory risk indicator for necrotizing fasciitis although up to 10% of the patients with necrotizing fasciitis have a risk indicator of <6 (1). The laboratory risk indicator for necrotizing fasciitis is a scoring system using CRP, white blood count, hemoglobin, sodium, creatinine, and glucose to classify patients into risk categories. A score of 2 placed her at low risk. Hyperbaric oxygen, which can be used for necrotizing fasciitis, seems overly aggressive with the diagnosis unclear. However, when the pathologist reviewed the Gram stain, promyelocytes were seen.

Which of the following is appropriate? (Click on the correct answer to proceed to the fourth of five panels)

  1. Bone marrow aspiration/biopsy
  2. Examination of the peripheral blood for promyelocytes
  3. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) for RARA
  4. 1 and 3
  5. All of the above

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